Communications and Faith Essay

5 min readOct 8, 2020


My journey as a communications arts major started sophomore year of College, due to the fact that my whole first year I was lost in what I wanted to study for the rest of my years at Gordon. I decided upon communications because of its broadness of many different types and I felt secure in knowing I would continue to have time to sort myself out with in Communications while at the same time knowing I had steadily declared a major. Throughout my Communications classes for the next 2 years leading up to now I feel like I have just started to wrap my mind around what I want to do finally after college and what Gordon has given me in my “toolkit.” From the beginning classes in which they all almost started with Intro to now, finally in senior seminar I can confidently claim I finally feel not lost in this broad major. I think going into college I was thinking how is this major going to help me find a job but honestly, I think comm arts major has bypassed that into actual learning about different things including the many types of media and realizing that it is all quite interesting and I am enjoying what I’m learning. Through my classes I think the summary of what I have learned is how to think critically about different forms of media and I’ve been taught how to be keenly aware of underlying messages. There are so many different types of media and as I take more comm classes, each class we dive in deeper of how each works and how we are influenced by them.

I think another thing I have definitely learned is also how to reach different audiences with the information or product. I have learned so much about audiences and not the type that is in the stands of a football game. I think what is so great about communications is that is provides you with so many more skills than you expect coming out of it. I am confident I am able to gather information and effectively distributing it to others via the written or spoken word. I have become a practiced and persuasive public speaker. Before my public speaking classes I could speak in front of audiences and deliver a speech, but not without the nerves hitting me or my palms not coated with sweat. I have come to understand that research and enthusiasm can mean the difference between facing an engaged audience and staring at a room full of thumb–twiddlers. And I know that these skills will transfer over to whatever job I will have in the future.

On another note, I could have received a Communications bachelor’s degree anywhere, but I am so happy I chose to come to Gordon. I think what sets it apart is learning from degreed professors who are working professionals grounded in their Christian faith. When professors start the class out in a word of prayer it stabilizes the class in the safety of who God is and what we stand for as Christians. I am able to learn about what I am interested about but also have stories of the bible or Christian advice or words of wisdom woven in through out the entire duration of the class. Some say that the Christian bubble of Gordon is not always a good thing for it doesn’t prepare you for how the real world is. But I am perfectly happy and not rushing to go out into a field where I am not surrounded by those who are supportive, grace giving and lovely people. I think another important thing I have gathered from professors at Gordon is not to try to blend in outside of Gordon. We are meant to be light in the darkness, and the world is a very dark place now adays. I have been taught that it will be tempting to try to conform to the environment of the job I will be in to fit in and be appreciated and accepted, but, that I should not. That although it will be more difficult sometimes, but, in the end others respect your for not being wishy-washy, but rather firm and unmoving for what you stand for.

I think Communications major has a misunderstand of what the major is what you study within it, it encompasses so many areas, like journalism, public relations, broadcasting, advertising, marketing and ministry. In our increasingly media-first culture, we need Christians embedded in these fields and careers to share the love of the greatest communicator of all: Jesus Christ. In a world of digital media, where millions of messages are communicated instantly, the world needs Christian leaders who can break through the noise, transform culture, and bring clarity in crisis. I think Gordon’s professors have helped us students to learn how to be that light and how to break through the noise of the world surrounding us.

Although I said before that college isn’t just about preparing you for a job, I do think Gordon has helped me a lot in preparing for while lies before me as a career. As stated previously it has prepared me in how to speak clearly and effectively in public situations, but also how to not fear speaking up when I have something to say. Whether I have to pitch a concept to my future boss, lead a conference call or simply interact with a customer, I believe strong public speaking and presentation skills will be integral to my success after college. I also think my classes with creative writing, journalism and multiple other comm classes have prepared me how to write effectively using the precise amount of words to get my point across, while on the other hand I am also able to think quickly and produce proficient enough quality work that will get the job done effectually. In all, I am so grateful and glad I have studied here at Gordon for I think I have received a quality education while also taught by strong Christian professors that have taught me that with God I can do anything.

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